Bob Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor

Dr. Bob and Carolyn Sawvelle are the founding and Senior Pastors of Passion Church. Bob functions as the primary teaching pastor, oversees curriculum and course development, leadership training, and church business affairs. Bob has Doctorate (DMin) and Master (ThM) degrees in Ministry and Theology and is ordained with Global Awakening ministries. His doctoral dissertation focused upon the validity of Christian healing ministry as it relates to evangelism and church growth.

His newest book, Our Eyes Are on You: Principles to Prevail in Faith and Prayer, is available from Amazon.  He has written two books on healing ministry, Receive Your Miracle Now and A Case for Healing Today, and an encouraging book on living an extraordinary life, Fulfill Your Dreams: Seize the Day and Be Extraordinary, which can also be found on Amazon. To read Bob’s weekly blog articles and learn more about the books that he has written, visit

In addition to his pastoral duties and writing, Bob is a DMin doctoral mentor at United Theological Seminary (UTS) and serves as an adjunct professor with the Global Awakening Theological Seminary (GATS).

Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor

Dr. Bob and Carolyn Sawvelle are the founding and Senior Pastors at Passion Church. Carolyn functions in several key roles in the church, overseeing the church office staff and functions, Life Group ministries, and assisting in leadership development. She also provides pastoral oversight for the marriage and family, inner healing, prophetic, youth and children, altar team, and prayer ministries at Passion Church. She is ordained with Global Awakening Ministries and has extensive training in prayer and intercession, the prophetic, healing, inner healing, and leadership. She has an AS degree in Computer Science. Carolyn loves spending time with Bob, family, and her Passion family.

Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
David & Jan

David and Jan are elders and core leaders at Passion Church. They are also involved with intercessory prayer, family counseling, and inner healing ministry. David is ordained and Jan is a licensed minister of the gospel. They have been leaders in prayer and intercession meetings for many years. David and Jan met and were married while attending Grace to the Nations Church, where they both went through extensive counseling and altar ministry training. They taught children’s ministry classes K-6 at Grace Chapel for five years and were leaders in altar and Nova Shalom (marriage enrichment and healing) ministries. They also led services at Douglas Prison and Pima County Jail. Jan also was leader of His Grace Extended Dance Ministry for many years. Jan has further established her counseling skills with a master’s degree from the University of Phoenix and is a licensed counselor. Both are trained in the Restoring the Foundations (RTF) ministry and other inner healing ministry models. Their passion is to see broken hearts mended by the power of the Holy Spirit and to see unprecedented revival come.

Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor

Ed is an elder at Passion Church and has been a church leader for more than 30 years. Before coming to Passion, Ed was the long-range planning director and oversaw the ushers, greeters, and security team at his previous church. After arriving at Passion Church in 2013, he soon took on the responsibility of recruiting, training, and overseeing our Welcome Team. Men’s Ministry is Ed’s primary ministry; he is passionate about pouring into and discipling other men. Ed has a special gift for connecting with and loving people. He and his wife Cheri love to sing and have blessed many congregations with their voices.

Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
Elder, Media & VIDEO Production Director

Charles Haney is an Elder at Passion Church and has been a church leader for over 25 years. Charles is a retired Army Veteran with a Bachelor’s in Film and Television Production. He has worked for MTV, Universal Studio’s and Paramount Pictures, as well as independent Christian Film Studio’s. He has a passion for building into his team the passion for excellence in both live-stream video broadcasts and edited video content available for on-demand use. Charles also has a heart for helping others with technology issues, often volunteering time in any ministry. 

Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
Worship Director
Kristina Christianson is our Worship Director.  She has had a lifelong passion for using her musical gifts to praise and glorify God, with the intention of helping to create moments in worship where people can truly experience and know the presence of the Holy Spirit. She believes worship music is a form of prayer and a powerful tool to open hearts and minds to connect more deeply with God. Kristina has been a musical person all her life and has directed and led worship teams at churches for the past 18 years. She and her husband Jazz have been married since 2007 and they both love to serve and grow in their community of brothers and sisters in Christ. They relocated to Tucson to be near family in November of 2023. They are both dedicated to strengthening their faith and understanding of who God is and how He works miraculously in our lives.
Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
Youth Leaders

Justin and Eleshia Sullivan are the youth leaders of Passion Church. Justin serves on the Outreach Ministry and is a part of the Men’s Ministry while Eleshia serves on the media ministry and is involved in the Women’s Ministry as well. Justin and Eleshia were both raised up in the faith. Justin served with 3C Campus Ministry in College as a Student Evangelist and Greeter.Eleshia also served as a liturgical dancer, ministered in choir, participated in Young Life in high school and led a Women’s small group in college. Their mission and passion is to provide youth with a relatable, inspirational, and empowering environment that will help nurture and enhance their relationship with God, themselves, and others. They are recent graduates of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Justin earned a BS in Computer Science and currently works as a product test engineer. Eleshia has a BS in Exercise Science, is an entrepreneur and is currently a stay at home mom to their one year old son named Jace.

Carolyn Sawvelle - Passion Church Tucson Arizona Senior Pastor
Children Director 
Vicki Saxon is the Childrens Ministry Leader at Passion Church. She strongly believes that children are a Blessing from God and our Nursery,  Jr and World Changers and Youth group are our next generation of Godly Warriors for Christ. Her goal is to have teachers and helpers teach Bible basics and biblical truths and students to have fun doing so!
She worked for Tucson Association for Childcare in the after-school program for Tucson.  She worked as a substitute leader, an assistant leader and promoted to Recreation Director for Booth-Fickett grades K-8.
She earned certification in the Toastmaster program at the VA Medical Center where she worked. She attended Pima Community College where she earned Certifications and an Associates in Business Management.
She and her husband, Randy, Have been together 31 years. They have three married daughters, 2 granddaughters and a grandson. She loves sketching, sewing and has a love of animals. She loves spending time with her own family and her Passion Church family.