What’s Happening

Passion Church Encounter Night

Men’s Breakfast

October 19th From 9-10:30 am

Youth facility

Join us for food and fellowship. Nothing is more powerful for God than men growing closer to Him. More than just eating breakfast. It is a time of iron sharpening iron.

Led by Ed Gallick

Passion Church Encounter Night

Harvest Festival

Sunday, October 27, 12 PM

After our regular worship service, we will have our annual Fall Harvest Festival. There will be food, fellowship, and special activities for the kids and families. 

Passion Church Encounter Night

Passion women

Saturday, Nov 2nd – Youth Facility 

Refreshments are served at 8:30, followed by a time of gathering together at 9:00 AM to be refreshed, abide in Jesus, and realize our unique identity in Christ.

Passion Church Encounter Night

Encounter Night


Our Worship team has been working hard and loves to glorify God. But everyone needs a break sometime. We will be sure to keep you posted right here on the site.