What’s Happening

Passion Church Encounter Night

21 Days Prayer and Fasting

Sunday January 5th thru Saturday January 25th

The practice of prayer brings joy, peace, and contentment to our lives. Prayer gives us confident assurance that God is in control and working all things out for our good. It’s not about the right words, or perfect time, but an awareness of the constant invitation we have to directly speak to the Father.

Trusting that God will meet us in our hunger, and feed us by his word. Fasting is an act of intimacy with the Father. Not to get something from Him, but to get to know Him.

Passion Church Encounter Night

Men’s Breakfast

January 18th 8:30 am

Youth facility

Join us for food and fellowship. Nothing is more powerful for God than men growing closer to Him. More than just eating breakfast. It is a time of iron sharpening iron.

Led by Ed Gallick

Passion Church Encounter Night

Passion women

 Second Saturday of Each Month

Refreshments are served at 8:30, followed by gathering at 9:00 AM to be refreshed, abide in Jesus, and realize our unique identity in Christ.